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Vegetarian food is best for us

Science has discovered that human organs are specialized to the functions and processes that work according to certain natural laws. This natural law, if obeyed, will keep the body healthy and working in a normal level. Deviate from this natural law can provide a detrimental effect on the human body. We were created to be a vegetarian. There is a difference between herbivores (animals pemkan plants) and carnivores (meat-eating animals), for example:
MOUTH. Small open human mouth, while the meat-eating animals such as dogs have a wide-open mouth that big lump of meat can go into the mouth.
COMPOSITION OF THE TEETH. Humans have a series of cutting teeth sharp molars are flat or even used to crush and chew food like herbivores (plant eaters). On the other hand, meat eaters (carnivores) have long canine teeth, strong and sharp for seizing and tearing flesh. Sharp fangs on his side to close the jaws are used for cutting meat.
JAW MOVEMENT. Meat-eating jaw movement in the direction of the open and close it. On the other plant-eating animals have three different jaw movement - vertical or up and down to the side, or to the sides and the front to the back like a human clan.
GUT. Meat eaters have a simple stomach, small intestine is short, and the large intestine is very short, straight and smooth. On the other hand, plant-eaters have a greater capacity of the stomach with the parts that are often complex, such as stomach domesticated cattle / cows that double folds. Small intestine and colon long term and slippery. Human intestine is not shaped like the meat eaters.
TRACK SWEAT. Plant eaters perspire through the skin just like humans, while the meat-eating animals perspire through the mouth. Human saliva contains enzymes ptilin, as well as plant-eating animals, which are used to digest starch, starch. Human drinking water by sucking / suck as plant eaters. While all meat-eating animals breathe with their tongues. Human bile salts such as plant-eating animals, rather than a meat eater.
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